Research Products

MAnGve for Innovation Management (Mi9)

The MAnGve-i9 is a Management Model for Innovation resulting from iterative and incremental cycles of design, evaluation and refinement using the Design Science Research (DSR) approach, aiming to present a reasonable solution to the class of problems, which we call: “governance and innovation management in Science Technology & Innovation environments”.

More details visit: (Only in Portuguese, for now).

Agile Governance Theory

Agile Governance emerges as an organizational capability, which, once established and preserved, enables organizations to develop a set of other dynamic capabilities to perceive, adapt and respond to changes in their environments in a coordinated and sustainable way faster than the rate of these changes (LUNA; MARINHO; DE MOURA, 2020). This organizational capacity is related to developing individual and collective skills in the people who make up such ecosystems, involving technical and behavioral aspects. Aiming to instrumentalize the analysis and description of phenomena related to environments undergoing frequent or intense transformations, the Agile Governance Theory (AGT) emerged, seeking to help in a better understanding of these phenomena and in the identification of which organizational capacities need to be developed, depending on the context experienced by each organization, to deal with these changes to achieve and maintain competitiveness sustainably.

See more at: Luna, A. J. H. de O., Marinho, M. L. M., & Moura, H. P. de. (2020). Agile governance theory: operationalization. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 16(3), 44.


MAnGve is an agile framework that, through iterative and incremental cycles of intervention, reflection, and improvement called “tides”, assists teams and organizations in project management, implementation of processes and governance mechanisms, as well as ICT services, seeking to deliver value organizations' business in an increasingly faster, cheaper and better quality way.

See more at: Luna, A. J. H. de O. (2011). MAnGve: IMPLEMENTING AGILE GOVERNANCE. In Portuguese: MAnGve: IMPLANTANDO GOVERNANÇA ÁGIL. (M. Oliveira, Ed.), Brasport (Primeira). Rio de Janeiro: BRASPORT. Retrieved from

MOKR - MAnGve, Objective and Key Results

MOKR is an agile approach to strategic management and monitoring through the combination of Situational Strategic Planning – PES, Objective Key Results – OKR, and MAnGve.

See more at: Luna, A. J. H. de O., Ribeiro, F. J., Maciel, T. M. de M., de Farias Júnior, I. H., & Moura, H. P. de. (2017). An approach to Agile Strategic Health Management using PES, OKR and MAnGve. In Portuguese: Uma abordagem para o Gerenciamento Estratégico Ágil em Saúde utilizando PES, OKR e MAnGve. Revista Eletrônica Da Estácio Recife, ISSN: 2525-3646, 12(Dezembro), 13.

MAnGve Defender

MAnGve Defender is a pedagogical initiative of the Agile Governance Research Lab (AGRLab), a by-product of scientific research.

In the broad context of the research that originated the MAnGve-i9, the serious game was conceived to carry out a proof of concept of the application of the Mi9 to generate a real product, going through all the cycles of the model: starting from the ideation, embarking on the design, carrying out the development, and consequently its evaluation by the collaborators of the research group and also by some volunteer students from two classes of the undergraduate courses at UFPE.

In addition to the research motivation, the proposal was to produce a game that could support the development of environmental awareness and consequently contribute to changing habits to preserve our environment. Indicated for children of all ages, it helps citizens reflect on the consequences that certain everyday acts can cause and understand that the survival of our ecosystems depends on collective behavior.

Play at:

Foundations for an Agile Governance Manifesto

The Agile Governance Manifesto is a behavioral reference for individuals and teams to help implement agile governance in organizations. We proposed six meta-principles, nine meta-values, a team's mission, and an analogy to guide future research and significantly drive practices on agile governance.

See more at: Luna, A. J. H. de O., Kruchten, P., Riccio, E. L., & Moura, H. P. de. (2016). Foundations for an Agile Governance Manifesto: a bridge for business agility. In V. T. Nagawa (Ed.), 13th International Conference on Management of Technology and Information Systems. São Paulo, SP, Brasil: FEA-USP.